Sunday, August 23, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Speech To Focus On Plans To Help Essays - Rodham Family,
Discourse to concentrate on plans to help kids, poor January 19, 1999 BY JUDITH HAVEMANN AND WALTER PINCUS WASHINGTON POST WASHINGTON- - President Clinton will propose in his State of the Union location today a $1 billion development of the government's endeavors to help the country's generally impeded families move from government assistance to work, White House authorities said Monday. The authorities said the activity will help around 200,000 government assistance families land positions. ''Notwithstanding the gigantic advancement we have made over the most recent couple of years in moving individuals from government assistance to work, we have to put forth an additional attempt for the individuals still on the rolls since they will be the hardest to put,'' said presidential guide Bruce Reed. The activity is planned for expanding work of low-pay, missing dads of kids on government assistance, so they can pay youngster bolster and engage in their kids' lives. A large number of these fathers have jail records, and just 30 percent have held work in the previous year, as indicated by a late examination. Just around 10 percent to 15 percent of youngsters on open help get any formal kid support from their missing guardian. Clinton likewise plans to propose an expense credit of up to $500 per kid, age 1 or more youthful, to counterbalance costs for guardians who decide to remain at home to think about their children. The proposition is a piece of a bigger youngster care bundle that looks for $18 billion more than five years to help working poor and white collar class families. The organization likewise will propose $1 billion more than five years to improve medicinal services for huge numbers of the country's 32 million uninsured grown-ups. The cash would be utilized to support network facilities what's more, medical clinics to cooperate to monitor patients and ensure they get required treatment. Booked for conveyance in the House chamber at 8 p.m. Chicago time, not long after his legal counselors wrap up their first day of contentions in the Senate denunciation preliminary, Clinton's discourse wo exclude a single notice of the word reprimand, helpers said. The president demanded proceeding with his discourse, regardless of its unbalanced planning, to show that he is leading the same old thing even as the Senate thinks about whether to expel him from office. Among other residential and international strategy recommendations saw Monday by White House authorities were: * An activity to carry more prominent responsibility to state and neighborhood educational systems. Clinton will offer a five-direct arrangement toward consider schools responsible for the $20 billion in government instructive spending they get. The arrangement would compensate areas that ensure educators are qualified in the subjects they are relegated to educate, authorize homeroom discipline, intercede to help low-performing schools, end social advancement of understudies who have not aced the material instructed during the year and issue ''report cards'' to guardians on issues, for example, class size, educator capabilities and understudy scores. * A close to multiplying - to $4.2 billion- - throughout the following five years of the U.S. program serving to destroy Russia's maturing atomic and natural weapons, secure offices holding atomic materials what's more, make nonmilitary research ventures for Moscow's previous weapons developers.
Saturday, July 11, 2020
How to Write About Yourself in an Essay - Now You Can
How to Write About Yourself in an Essay - Now You CanIf you really want to know how to write about yourself in an essay, there are some things you should keep in mind. You don't have to go on about how well you did at school or how much you value family life. This is just going to be an introduction to a simple idea that will help you.What do you do when you write about yourself in an essay? You get into what you know and what you are interested in. You can become very personal, and it will be a great way to make your essay much more meaningful. Use this idea in your writing and you will see an increase in the number of readers that come to your site.How to write about yourself in an essay starts with the fact that you must create an outline. Keep this as simple as possible. Write out what you are going to cover on each of the topics that you are going to cover. You need to take a look at this and decide if it is very important to your overall article. Make sure you give it the best attention you can.The next part is deciding what you are going to cover that is very important to you. Make sure this is what you want to say. You don't want to put something too small here that you don't want to include in your article. Stick to the basics and you will be on your way to being successful.The next step in how to write about yourself in an essay is to start writing. Use words and sentences to help you. Your essay may seem like it is going to be shorter but once you finish writing you will see that there is a lot to it. It took a lot of work and thought to get to this point. Make sure you write as effectively as you can.After you finish the first draft of your essay, you will need to edit it. There is no way to get this right without editing. These are not going to end up perfect. Be sure to go back and add any points that you feel are missing. This is the only way to get it the way you want it.How to write about yourself in an essay is just getting started. Keep your ideas and your opinions alive. Your reader is more likely to stick around longer if they are being entertained by what you have to say. You will discover in this article as one of the more interesting things you have ever written. It will be a thing that you can refer back to often.If you want to know how to write about yourself in an essay, you will find the answer in these tips. Once you can think logically and write eloquently you will find the freedom you need to write about yourself and enjoy writing for as long as you want. It is not something that will be easy but it will be one of the most rewarding things you do.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Seven Sins Of Memory - 752 Words
The seven sins of memory are transience, absentmindedness, blocking, memory misattribution, suggestibility, bias, and persistence. These are all considered failures of memory. Daniel Schacter, who was the chair of Harvard University’s psychology department, taught these rules. The first being, Transience, transience is having an experience pass through our memory quickly. This is related to short term memory because it not last long nor stick with us. For example, having a short and meaningless conversation with acquaintance will usually not stay with us for a long time. The next sin is Absentmindedness. Absentmindedness is a lack of attention given, which causes the memory to fail. This can come from attempting to multi-task or having ADD or ADHD. These cause people to become distracted while something else is going on. Prospective memory is a major key in absentmindedness because you are thinking about the past or future and not focusing on the present. Blocking is another one of the seven sins which most people experience in their life and it is not as severe. Blocking is the inability to remember information when are trying to recall it. Most people refer to this as a â€Å"Tip of the Tongue Experience†. The tip of the tongue experience is an expression used when a memory cannot be remembered, but you are very close to doing so. For example, trying to remember something very little like a name of someone you met in the past. Blocking and Tip of the Tongue ExperienceShow MoreRelatedExamples Of Seven Sins Of Memory724 Words  | 3 PagesMemory is a very important and beneficial for us as we go through our lives but it can also let us down. There are seven memory sins according to Schacter’s Seven Sins of Memory which are: †¢ Transience †¢ Absent-mindedness †¢ Blocking †¢ Misattribution †¢ Suggestibility †¢ Bias So let us get started by talking about transience which is the decreasing accessibility of memory over time. Being able to remember information over time is affected by age as is all things that happen with our body. As we ageRead MoreFactors Affecting Memory Accuracy Essay977 Words  | 4 PagesMemory is the process of encoding, storing and retrieving information in the brain. It plays an import role in our daily life. Without memory, we cannot reserve past experience, learn new things and plan for the future. Human memory is usually analogous to computer memory. While unlike computer memory, human memory is a cognitive system. It does not encode and store everything correctly as we want. As suggested by Zimbardo, Johnson and Weber (2006), human memory takes information and selectivelyRead MoreSymbolism In The Masque Of The Red Death766 Words  | 4 PagesThe Masque of the Red Death Poe often gives memory the power to keep the dead alive. Which in the short story Poe distorts the aspect of death. By creating a memory as the trigger that reawakens death Poe reveals the theme of the story; that no matter the persons social class death comes for us all. In Edgar Allan Poe’s short story â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†he uses literary elements such as allusion, symbolism, and allegory to convey that death is inevitable. In the short story, Poe usesRead MoreCharlie And The Chocolate Factory Allusions1308 Words  | 6 Pageschocolate during boarding school would be the most influential factor in his writing of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Quentin Blake, the chief editor of Dahl’s official website, writes â€Å"Pupils at Repton were invited to trial chocolate bars, a memory that stayed with Dahl throughout his life, inspiring Charlie and the Chocolate Factory†(Blake). Dahl and his fellow students gorged upon chocolate and other candies, giving the future author an undying love for the craft and would eventually inspireRead MoreThe Mass Essay620 Words  | 3 Pagesand Blood, to the Father, just as Jesus offered Himself to the Father on the Cross. In an unbloody way, we repeat-make present-Christs death and Resurrection. Through this memorial of Jesus, we offer God our praise, sorrow for our sins, and deepest thanks. The Mass is also a meal. At the Consecration, the bread and wine, through the power of the Holy Spirit, become the Body and Blood of Christ. Not a mere symbol, but Jesus real flesh and real blood, under the appearanceRead MoreChristianity, Islam, Hinduism And Buddhism1206 Words  | 5 PagesIntroduction On earth, there are seven continents, one hundred ninety-six countries and a population of seven billion one hundred twenty-five million. What makes everyone stand out is their religion and culture. There are approximately four thousand two hundred religions, faiths and belief systems in the world. Out these many faiths, the most followed and practiced ones are Christianity, Islam, Hinduism and Buddhism. Being the most practiced religion Christianity has over two billion followers. AtRead MoreThe Odyssey by Homer1275 Words  | 5 Pagesthe seven deadly sins, the actual monsters lurking inside us. The Odyssey is implying that, in order to reach our ultimate goals in our life, we definitely have to fight these monsters inside our mind. In The Odyssey, every encounter with monsters explains how deadly sins destroy peaceful lives and why we should avoid these inner monsters. The Lotus-eaters are the first mythical beings Odysseus encounters on the voyage back to Ithaca. They are a symbol of sloth from the seven deadlyRead MoreFaustus Greatest Sin Is His Misuse Of The Supernatural Powers1202 Words  | 5 PagesTo what extent do you think that Faustus’ greatest sin is his misuse of the supernatural powers given to him by Mephistopheles? Primarily, it could be argued that in actual fact Faustus’ greatest sin is his misuse of the supernatural powers, a recurring theme throughout the play. One scene which particularly captures Faustus’ blatant misuse is Act 3 Scene 2. In this scene, which Faustus plays practical jokes on the fictitious Pope Adrian, there is an obvious shift from his original aim of betteringRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s The Scarlet Letter1187 Words  | 5 PagesPuritanism in Red Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter shows the early view of Puritanism by concentrating on sin, guilt, and its effects on society. Nathaniel Hawthorne conveyed a dark and romantic style of writing in â€Å"The Scarlet Letter†, impacting the society by focusing on the concepts of romanticism. The Scarlet Letter is considered a classic book and is still read today. Nathaniel Hathorne was born in Salem, Massachusetts on July 4, 1804. He was the son of Nathaniel and Elizabeth ClarkRead MoreForgiveness Does Not Change the Past, But it Does Enlarge the Future631 Words  | 3 Pagesâ€Å"For if you forgive men when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive men their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.†(Matthew 6: 14-15) This is a verse that I have grown up with and been taught all throughout my years of attending Catholic school. One of the major life lessons taught in Catholic school was to forgive one another and follow Jesus’ word. This verse is an example of the key to forgiveness; if you don’t forgive you won’t be
How to Prepare a Case Brief free essay sample
If Flan. R. App. P. 9. 800 is not applicable, use either Bluebook or LAID citation form. ) PROCEDURAL HISTORY: (Summarize the holdings of any previous courts and the disposition of the case by these courts. Explain how the case got to this court, e. G. , interlocutory appeal, summary Judgment, etc. This explains where the case has been and what happened prior to its arrival at this court. It will be necessary to trace back and determine what he decision of each lower court or administrative body was in the actions prior to those involved in the case you are reading. Ex: Appeal from Judgment of dismissal. It is significant to note if the prior decisions were from a trial court or an appellate court or both. Most of the opinions you will read will be those of appellate courts. Be sure to briefly identify the parties and the relief they were seeking or the defenses they raised. We will write a custom essay sample on How to Prepare a Case Brief or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This should be a record of the Judicial history of the case so it should be written in the past tense. ) STATEMENT OF FACTS: Summarize the legally significant/relevant/materials facts of the case; that is, those facts which were relied on by the court in reaching its decision and those that affect the outcome of a case. Identify the parties by name and indicate the role of parties involved in the litigation, I. E. , plaintiff, defendant, appellate, appellant, etc. So that the reader can understand the relationship that each person has to the others and to the litigation. Select names which clearly identify each person and be consistent with the use of that name throughout the document. This should be a well-organized narrative statement; not a list. A chronological presentation is usually the best. Note tort the read be written in tense. ISSUE(S): are in dispute e must always the past (A case may present one or several issues or questions being decided by this court. Identify what the parties asked the court to determine. Phrase the issue so that it has some relevance to the case at hand. The issue is a question that should be stated in broad terms so it incorporates some of the relevant facts of the case, e. G. , Does a conditional threat constitute an assault? You should set forth a legal issue, not a factual issue. The issue must contain enough legally significant facts to allow the reader a clear understanding of the problem. Thus, in a criminal action where the defendant pleads the unconstitutionality of a statute under which he was convicted as a defense, the issue should be stated in terms of the alleged unconstitutionality of the statute rather than as a simple question of whether or not the defendant should go to Jail. Issues should be one sentence in length. There are three ways issues can e phrased: 1. Direct question: Is pointing an unloaded gun at a person an assault? 2. The whether format: Whether pointing an unloaded gun at a person is an assault? 3. The under format: Under Florida law, is pointing an unloaded gun at a person an assault? Preferred formats = Direct or under. Avoid whether format (sentence fragment). The issue MUST always be in the form of a question and should be written in the present tense. Beware of issues which ask should, can, or may someone do something. ) P rovide the answer to the question(s) being resolved by this court. How did this court answer the legal issue(s) addressed in the majority opinion? Not simply a yes or no answer. Give the answer in a complete sentence and incorporate some of the courts reasons for the answer. Give a very brief and direct response to the issue and an indication of the courts action. The holding and decision must always be written in the past tense. If you set forth three issues, then you will need three separate answers. Each answer should be no more than two sentences in length.
Thursday, April 23, 2020
Sociology Coursework Is Britain losing its Faith Essay Example
Sociology Coursework: Is Britain losing its Faith? Essay For my contents section of my Coursework I carried out primary research consisting of questionnaires (I couldnt do interviews for a lack of available and suitable interviewees). Unfortunately out of the ten I sent out I only got four back. But even though I only got four back it is quite revealing what they say. Enclosed with this writing is a blank copy of my questionnaire and the questionnaires I got back. Because of this lack of interviewees and low response rate I have had to rely on quite a lot of secondary resources. Also enclosed are the results of some Internet research on church attendance. All the figures seem to point to a steady decline in church attendance. For example the figures for 1952-1968 on sheet A show that a steady decline has been going on for a while: You can clearly see the drop in regular church attendance. Based on my primary research I think that this is a continuing trend. In my primary research I was given reasons such as that religious leaders are quote Woolly and do not give positive ideas other reasons stated were that the idea of a want society/must have society leaving little time for religion. All respondents were of Christian faith or none at all and all stated that one reason for low Church attendance was that church is seen as boring in most traditional Anglican churches. The respondents to my questionnaires were mostly middle-aged women who had middle class jobs or were involved mostly with domestic work. The male respondent also used to have a middle class occupation. They all provided slightly different answers but in most of them centred on the increasing Thatcherism of society and the tedium of church services. We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology Coursework: Is Britain losing its Faith? specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology Coursework: Is Britain losing its Faith? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Sociology Coursework: Is Britain losing its Faith? specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer All the questionnaires said that religion was in decline and that this was a bad thing. One of the responses correlated with my research saying that religion had been lowering in attendance since the 1950s. Though due to the small sample and the even smaller response rate my primary research may seem dubious at best my secondary research shows clearly that it is nation wide and church attendance is still going down. This is shown on sheet B of my secondary research. It shows that for the last three decades of the twentieth century, religion has been in dramatic decline, this is no passing phase. People are beginning to abandon specific religions for picknmix spiritual beliefs or simply find religion too boring and unassociated with real life to be of any importance or just find religion to time consuming. Whatever the reasons it is clear that all my research seems to support the hypothesis that Britain is losing its faith.
Tuesday, March 17, 2020
10 of the Best Jobs in Retail Nationwide
10 of the Best Jobs in Retail Nationwide Considering a job in retail? Hoping to find a workplace that treats you fairly and can maybe even lead to a full-time career? Maybe you’ve never even thought of making a career in the retail field, but the great news is there were several retail companies listed in this year’s Employees’ Choice Awards by Glassdoor and on Fortune’s Great Place to Work list. If retail might be a job (or even the job) for you, then you might want to consider these 10 companies first.1. Wegman’sThis food market chain in the mid-Atlantic and New England graces both lists. Employees say it looks out for its employees and offers great benefits- including extra holiday pay, time-and-a-half, and flexible hours. The company seems to truly value their employees and encourage them to advance within the company. (Glassdoor score out of 5: 4.2.)2. IKEAIKEA also gets a Glassdoor 4.2 for encouraging a friendly work environment and providing great benefits- including education assis tance, health care, holiday gatherings, and a flexible and supportive environment for working mothers.3. LululemonAgain: 4.2 from the Glassdoor list. Lululemon offers fabulous perks for the fitness oriented like free workouts, an enticing corporate culture, and career counseling.4. AppleAnother 4.2 from Glassdoor, Apple offers competitive pay, a yearly bonus, great benefits, and a work environment that is consistently rated on top 10 lists.5. QuikTripQuikTrip makes both lists, as well. Employees consistently mention a sense of community and a supportive work environment, plus good benefits, full-time weekly hours, a stable schedule, and a focus on not only employee well-being and growth, but also charitable giving. Glassdoor score: 4.2.6. CarMaxCarMax employees describe this company work environment like a family, with supervisors and managers nurturing employee’s ambitions to further their careers. There’s an emphasis on fun, respect, and integrity in the workplace .7. PatagoniaPatagonia also gets a great rep for as a workplace that feels like family, with employees consistently writing glowing reviews. Employees also cite their appreciation for the company’s policies, goals, and ideals aligning with theirs on a social and environmental level. Employees also cite a sense of leadership that nurtures the needs of their workers.8. In-N-Out BurgerThis West Coast burger chain out gets a whopping 4.4 on the Glassdoor scale, mostly for being a busy work environment where time seems to fly. It offers lots of opportunities for advancement, plus a very friendly and positive culture.9. Build-A-Bear WorkshopBuild-A-Bear is highly praised by its employees for the respect and empathy with which the company treats its employees. Employees say it feels like a family and that the warmth with which they interact with customers is almost always genuine. It’s a great place to turn a part-time job into a lifelong career.10. Publix SupermarketsP ublix employees consistently rave about the culture of respect and teamwork at this supermarket chain. Coworkers feel like family, and employees feel as though the management treats them support and dignity.
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Timeline from 1820 to 1830
Timeline from 1820 to 1830 Decade By Decade: Timelines of the 1800s 1820: Harriet Tubman is believed to have been born about 1820. As was the case with many slaves, the date of her birth was thought unimportant and was not recorded.January 24, 1820: Henry J. Raymond, political activist, journalist, and founder of the New York Times, was born in Livingston County, New York.January 29, 1820: George IV became the King of England upon the death of George III.February 8, 1820: William Tecumseh Sherman, Union general in the Civil War, was born in Lancaster, Ohio.February 15, 1820: Susan B. Anthony, leader of the American suffrage movement, was born in Adams, Massachusetts.March 1820: The Missouri Compromise became law in the United States. The landmark legislation effectively pushed the issue of slavery aside for the next few decades.March 22, 1820: American naval hero Stephen Decatur was fatally wounded in a duel fought near Washington, D.C.May 12, 1820: Florence Nightingale, English nurse and reformer, was born in Italy.September 26, 1820: American frontiersma n Daniel Boone died in Missouri at the age of 85. He had pioneered the Wilderness Road, which led many settlers westward to Kentucky. October 6, 1820: Jenny Lind, whose American tour was a sensation promoted by Phineas T. Barnum in 1850, was born in Sweden.November 1820: James Monroe faced virtually no opposition and was reelected president of the United States. 1821: February 22, 1821: The Adams-Onis Treaty, by which the United States obtained Florida, went into effect.March 4, 1821: James Monroe was sworn in for his second term as president of the United States.May 5, 1821: Napoleon Bonaparte died in exile on the island of St. Helena.July 24, 1821: Bill Poole, who became notorious as Bill the Butcher, was born in New Jersey.September 3, 1821: A devastating hurricane struck New York City, and the study of its path would lead to the understanding of rotating storms.October 17, 1821: Photographer Alexander Gardner was born in Scotland. He would become noteworthy for photographing the dead at Antietam during the Civil War as well as taking notable portraits of President Abraham Lincoln.December 25, 1821: Clara Barton, Civil War nurse and founder of the American Red Cross, was born in Oxford, Massachusetts.A childrens book published in New York City referred to a character named Santeclaus, which may have been the first printed reference to Santa Cla us in the English language. American traders began using the Santa Fe Trail. 1822: April 22, 1822: Ulysses S. Grant, Civil War general and later president of the United States, was born at Point Pleasant, Ohio.April 26, 1822: Frederick Law Olmsted, designer of Central Park, was born in Hartford, Connecticut.May 30, 1822: Arrests in Charleston, South Carolina, prevented a slave uprising which had been planned by Denmark Vesey.October 4, 1822: Rutherford B. Hayes, who would become president in the disputed election of 1876, was born in Delaware, Ohio.Charles Babbage designed the â€Å"difference engine,†an early computing machineHieroglyphs were deciphered using the Rosetta Stone.The first group of freed slaves being resettled in Africa by the American Colonization Society arrived in Liberia and founded the town of Monrovia, named for President James Monroe. 1823: April 3, 1823: William Marcy Boss Tweed, the leader of notorious New York political machine Tammany Hall, was born in New York City.December 23, 1823: The poem A Visit From St. Nicholas by Clement Clarke Moore was published in a newspaper in Troy, New York.December 1823: President James Monroe introduced the Monroe Doctrine as part of his annual message to Congress. 1824: January 21, 1824: Thomas J. Stonewall Jackson, Confederate general in the Civil War, was born in Virginia.March 2, 1824: The landmark Supreme Court decision Gibbons v. Ogden ended a monopoly of steamboats in the waters around New York City. The case opened up the steamboat business to competition, which made great fortunes possible for entrepreneurs such as Cornelius Vanderbilt. But the case also established principles regarding interstate commerce which apply to the present day.May 23, 1824: Ambrose Burnside, Civil War general, was born in Indiana.August 14, 1824: The Marquis de Lafayette, French hero of the American Revolution, returned to America for a grand tour. He had been invited by the federal government, which wanted to show off all the progress the nation had made in the 50 years since its founding. Over the course of a year Lafayette visited all 24 states as an honored guest.November 1824: The U.S. presidential election of 1824 was deadlocked with no clear winner and would become known as The Corrupt Bargain. With the controversial election of 1824, a period of American politics known as The Era of Good Feelings came to an end. 1825: February 9, 1825: The election of 1824 was settled by a vote in the U.S. House of Representatives, which elected John Quincy Adams as president. Supporters of Andrew Jackson claimed a Corrupt Bargain had been struck between Adams and Henry Clay.March 4, 1825: John Quincy Adams was inaugurated as president of the United States.October 26, 1825: The entire length of the Erie Canal was officially opened across New York, from Albany to Buffalo. The engineering feat had been the brainchild of DeWitt Clinton. 1826: January 30, 1826: The Menai Suspension Bridge opened in Wales, ushering in an age of great bridges.July 4, 1826: American songwriter Stephen Foster was born in Pennsylvania.July 4, 1826: John Adams died in Massachusetts and Thomas Jefferson died in Virginia, on the 50th anniversary of the signing of the Declaration of Independence. Their deaths left Charles Carroll of Carrollton as the last surviving singer of the nations founding document.December 3, 1826: George B. McClellan, Civil War general and commander of Union forces at the Battle of Antietam, was born in Philadelphia.Josiah Holbrook founded the American Lyceum Movement in Massachusetts.Irish immigrant John Hughes, future archbishop and political force in New York, was ordained a priest. 1827: March 26, 1827: Composer Ludwig van Beethoven died in Vienna, Austria, at the age of 56.August 12, 1827: English poet and artist William Blake died in London, England at the age of 69.Artist John James Audubon published the first volume of Birds of America. 1828: February 8, 1828: Writer Jules Verne was born in France.Summer-Fall 1828: The election of 1828 was preceded by perhaps the dirtiest campaign ever, with supporters of Andrew Jackson and John Quincy Adams hurling shocking accusations.November 1828: Andrew Jackson was elected president of the United States. 1829: March 4, 1829: Andrew Jackson was inaugurated as president of the United States, and raucous supporters nearly wreck the White House.Cornelius Vanderbilt began operating his own fleet of steamboats in New York Harbor.Religious freedom increased in Ireland, thanks to the Catholic Emancipation movement of Daniel O’ConnellThe Metropolitan Police Service was founded in London, England, with its headquarters at Scotland Yard. Decade By Decade: 1800-1810 | 1810-1820 | 1830-1840 | 1840-1850 | 1850-1860 | 1860-1870 | 1870-1880 | 1880-1890 | 1890-1900 | The Civil War Year By Year
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Organization and Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1
Organization and Management - Essay Example On the other hand, there are companies that were able to successfully adopt empowerment strategies, such as the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company was based on the ideals of innovative customer service and is widely known for pleasure-seeking comfort and luxury. The Ritz-Carlton is a pioneer in employee training. It has transformed the service industry by achieving the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award. It was the only hotel company to receive the prestigious award. Currently, the Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company is supervised by Marriott International, Inc., a top international hospitality company. Mr. Marriott has created an approach that places emphasis on their human resources and provide greater satisfaction and value for the company and its employees: â€Å"1. Get it right the first time, 2. Money isn’t the only thing, 3. Create a caring workplace, 4. Promote from within, and 5. Build your brand†. Empowering employees and improving customer service were the thrusts underlying the self-motivated and autonomous work teams at the Ritz-Carlton Company. After receiving the Malcolm Bardrige Award, the Ritz-Carlton Company realised that empowering their employees, especially their front-line staff, would further motivate the staff and create an excellent customer service. With these objectives in mind, the company’s executive group embarked on an empowerment programme. After a thorough assessment of existing processes in each department, the executive group discovered several management duties for potential reassignment to hourly staff. These involved projecting budgets, interviewing and choosing members of the team, collecting payroll accounts, and creating work schedules. The company created a mission statement that was approved by the entire staff. The front-line staff began the trial with self-directed activities by acquiring the duties of the
Saturday, February 1, 2020
TO WHAT EXTENT ARE LEADERSHIP ATTRIBUTES CONSIDERED UNIVERSALLY EFFECTIVE AND DESIRABLE - Essay Example Table of contents 1. Introduction 3 2. Requirements of international and domestic leadership in terms of leadership skills and competencies 4 2.1 Leader – characteristics 4 2.2 Environment that makes leadership international 5 2.3 Culture as related to domestic and international leadership 6 2.4 The influences of environment on domestic and international leadership 8 2.5 Challenges that international leaders face 10 2.6 Domestic vs global leader – differences and similarities 12 3. Conclusion 13 References 14 1. Introduction The performance of organizations in the global market is usually evaluated by referring to their leadership style. A leader is the individual who has the power to take all important decisions of each organization, including the design of its strategy and the control of all its activities (Grisham 2011). The behaviour of leaders is not standardized since each leader has his unique experiences, skills and perceptions. In fact, it has been proved that the development of an effective leadership strategy is depended on a series of factors. Most commonly, the socio-cultural and economic environment but also the objectives of the organization are the criteria on which leadership decisions are based. In addition, a leadership strategy needs to be feasible in terms of available resources. At this point, the following issue appears: can the effectiveness of a leader being influenced by the geographical region in which his decisions will be applied? In the literature, a distinction is made between domestic leaders and international leaders. The activities of the former are limited within a particular area; the leaders of organizations that operate only locally belong in this category. International leaders are those who can be involved in leadership decisions related to the global market (Marquardt 2000). In other words, a leadership is made international when referring to the global environment of an organization, meaning not only the n eeds of the organization in regard to its activities in a foreign country but also the challenges that the organization has to face in the global market; competition, cultural differences and regulatory framework are the most common challenges of this kind. The differences and similarities of domestic leaders and international leaders are analytically presented in this paper aiming to show that domestic leadership requires different skills and competencies than the international leadership. For this reason, the appropriateness of individuals to act as leaders domestically or internationally can be evaluated only if reviewing carefully their skills, as responding to the demands of each of these two leadership types. 2. Requirements of international and domestic leadership in terms of leadership skills and competencies 2.1 Leader - characteristics In order to be successful as a leader an individual needs to have certain qualities. In practice, the characteristics of leaders can be hig hly differentiated under the influence of their personal experiences and perceptions. Still, there are certain requirements that leaders need to meet (Maxwell 2005). A leader who meets all these requirements can be considered as fully successful in regard to his role (Maxwell 2005). It should be noted that leadership, as a role, can incorporate many phases. In each of these phases a leader should meet different requirements. These phases can be set in a hierarchy, and would be the following, starting from the lower level: a) Position;, b) Permission, c) Production, d) People development (Maxwell 2005). Each of these phases has different requirements; for example, in the first phase followers simply execute the orders given to them because they are obliged to; the autocratic leadership style
Friday, January 24, 2020
Grendel: Apples and Pain :: Free Essay Writer
Grendel: Apples and Pain Grendel has a sarcastic and cynical mind, which serves to entertain both him and the reader. Through his expositions of situations, we see humor where others would simply see violence, and irony where others only fact. These others are the humans, the Danes, unwitting neighbors of Grendel, forced to stand night after night of slaughter. What is a traumatic and terrifying experience for them, is simply a game to Grendel, and the reader. Grendel bursts in on the Danes, ready to kill, and they squeak. They are funny in their fear, laughable in their drunken fighting. The reader is focused on Grendel’s perception of the Danes. The deaths go by easily, because of the humor involved. It does not cross the reader’s mind that these are people Grendle is killing. The humor allows the reader to sympathize with Grendel’s position, that of the predator. The prey is not meaningful, only nutritious and entertaining. It is a macabre humor, which accentuates how no death is nobl e, it is simply death. By making the Danes un-heroic and un-ideal, cowards and drunkards, the author is presenting the reality through the humor. In contrast to the drunken lurching of the others, Unferth comes toward Grendel with speeches and bravery. He is a puffed up as a peacock, proud and ready to die for his king, his people, his ideal. Grendel simply states, â€Å"He was one of those.†Grendel sees Unferth with a clear and unbiased mind. He is ridiculous. His exaggerated heroism, his words, even his first move, to scuttle sideways like a crab from thirty feet away, is laughable. Grendle does with him what he does with no other Dane in the story, he talks. Unferth offers Grendle death, and Grendle sends back taunts. The reason this scene is funny is because the taunts are sharply accurate. The self-sacrificing hero is shown to be a spotlight loving fool, serving only his own reputation. Grendel continues talking to Unferth, making the poor wretch angrier by the moment. At one point, he compares Unferth to a harvest virgin. Unferth attempts to begin his own speeches, but is always cut off by Grendel, who has another barb to throw at him. Finally, Unferth screams and charges, his voice breaking. This scene, of escalating argument, presents a different type of humor. While the first was a slapstick, exaggerated and dark humor, the argument is more sarcastic, intelligent and cutting.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
The US Acid Rain Program Environmental Sciences Essay
When we look around us we see that there has been a rapid addition in the figure of industries despite the fact that there has been a lessening in the handiness of scarce resources. The Global Gross Domestic Product per capita has addition 6 times since 1900, while in the same clip period the universe & A ; acirc ; ˆâ„ ¢s population has grown 4 times. Due to increasing planetary demand, the importance of industries in our universe has been on the rise. In order to protect the environment and our universe from being over polluted it is of import that we find cost effectual ways to cut down the degree of pollution. The Acid Rain plan was initiated by the United States Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) in the 1990s to cut down the degree of S dioxide and N oxides, the chief causes of acerb rain. This plan focuses on emanation caps whereby each industry or company is given a certain grant or allowance for the sum of fossil fuels they can fire and if they go over this degree so a heavy mulct of $ 2000 per ton would be imposed. The Acid Rain Program was established based on the rules that were set by the Clean Air Act of 1990. The Clean Air Act was implemented by the Environmental Protection Agency in order to cut down the degree of air pollution. The chief purpose of the Acid Rain plan was to cut down the degree of sulfur dioxide in the environment by 10 million dozenss and convey the degree of S dioxide down from 18.9 million dozenss in 1980 to about 8.95 million dozenss in 2000. This was to be done through emanation caps that focused on a lessening in the pollution caused by coal firing power workss. Companies and different industries could purchase the allowances from each other if their ingestion was higher than the allotted quota assigned to them. However, if that was non possible so they had to incur a heavy mulct.Problems Associated with Acid RainPollutants such as S dioxide and azotic oxides are known to be the chief ground behind the cause of acerb rain. It is imperative that in order to cut down acid rain, we decrease the figure of these pollutants. Acid rain is known to do many jobs with the acidification of lakes and rivers being the most outstanding. The lakes in the nor'-east of the United States have been greatly affected by acerb rain. The acidification of lakes leads to angle and works life being destroyed as they can non populate in acerb H2O. As of 2001, in over 100 lakes in Minnesota all the fish have died due to sourness. Apart from fish death, it besides leads to angle non being able to reproduce. These are some of the jobs caused by acid rain which is why it is highly of import to cut down the degree of sulfur dioxide in the environment so we can forestall sourness and protect the marine life. Apart from destructing sea life, acerb rain is known to hold a negative consequence on the trees around the universe. When acid rain occurs, the acerb seeps into the trees therefore forestalling the workss from taking in C dioxide. Due to miss of C dioxide, this leads to the workss non being able to execute photosynthesis which finally leads to workss deceasing. Germany has been greatly affected where in 1983, 34 % of braid were damaged by acid rain. Acid rain besides affects us in many ways. Breathing and lung jobs that affect kids and grownups is caused by acerb rain. Due to acid rain, every twelvemonth in the US there are 550 premature deceases and 1520 exigency room visits. This shows that it is of import to cut down acid rain as it has adversely affected the environment and the ambiance around us. [ Good background ; could spread out ] The Clean Air Act was introduced in 1963 by the United States Congress to cut down air pollution on a national degree. It was the first environmental jurisprudence that was introduced by the United States. Over the old ages at that place have been amendments and alterations made to the Clean Air Act based on the environmental jeopardies that have affected our environment such as acerb rain. A outstanding amendment was made in 1990 to take the effects of acerb rain into consideration. In the Clean Air Act of 1990, the alterations that were put into consequence were related to emanations merchandising whereby companies or workss were given inducements if they reduced pollution in this instance S dioxide, there were proviso made for ozone depletion and toxic air pollution. Apart from this, a new gasolene reformulation demand was besides set in order to command and at the same clip cut down the evaporative emanation from gasolene. The Acid Rain plan as mentioned above was implemented in order to diminish the sum of S dioxide in the environment. In order for this to go on, the jurisprudence that was to be imposed based on the Clean Air Act of 1990 was a two stage jurisprudence. Since the aim of cut downing sulfur dioxide could non be attained in one goes, it was broken down into two stages:Phase 1The Acid Rain plan allocated allowances based on a annual footing and the figure of allocated units was based on a method that was used by the EPA. The first stage of the two stage plan was from 1995 to 1999. The footing on which allowances or emanation caps were distributed was on the mean fuel ingestion that was used by companies from 1985 to 1987. The British thermic unit transition rate of 2.5 lbs of S dioxide per million lbs of fuel burnt was used. A major drawback of this stage was that many workss found it easy to obtain excess allowances. This could be done by through auctions where the allowances were sold to the bidder with the highest monetary value. Many workss that were allocated allowances in Phase 1 were allocated a much higher allowance than the sum they required. The EPA did this so that all the workss could fall in the plan as they had nil to lose. Firms would experience that there is no hazard involved in fall ining the plan which is why they would choose to be a portion of it. In 1995, the initial allotment was to be 5,550,231 allowances for 445 workss. Firms were awarded excess allowances for every excess ton of S dioxide they reduced beyond the bound imposed on them. The extra allowances that were granted to houses in 1995 were 3,193,850. The stage 1 of the Acid Rain Program was to last a period of 5 old ages. Many workss and houses took advantage of the excess allowances that could be granted and due to this the entire figure of allowances in 1999 was 16,618,112 which showed that houses were willing to aline themselves with the plan. [ Good ]Phase 2Phase 2 was the 2nd portion of the Acid Rain Program that began in the twelvemonth 2000. The sum of allowance that was granted to each works was based on their mean fuel ingestion from 1985 to 1987. The transition rate used this clip was 1.2 lbs of S dioxide per million lbs of fuel burnt. The sum of allowance that was granted to each works was reduced but there was an overall addition in the entire cap as many more workss had entered the plan, an extra 2262 units were made portion of the plan and with the addition in the figure of units, the entire allowance besides increased to 9,966,531 for the twelvemonth 2000. Many units took advantage of the banked allowances that were carried frontward from Phase 1 and this entire amounted to 21,583,540. Despite the entire allowances increasing due to the fact that many new units entered the plan, there was an overall lessening in the emanations granted to each unit. This figure is expected to diminish even more and the purpose of the Acid Rain Program is to cut down the entire sum of emanations to 8.95 million dozenss by 2010. The graph above shows how emanations have been relatively higher than the allowances allocated by the twelvemonth 2000. However at the same clip, the entire allowances that were allocated to each works plus the allowance that was banked is besides greater than the emanations demoing that the sum of the entire available allowance was much higher than required. As stage 2 continued to come on, banked allowances were finally used up and workss began to run the hazard of exceling their emanations bound. Since this carried heavy mulcts, it was imperative that companies that owned these sulfur dioxide breathing workss find a manner to cut down the S dioxide emitted into the environment. Many different methods were presented. Some of the most noteworthy 1s are:TechnologyThere were two chief engineerings available for workss to run into their emanations mark. A scrubber which is besides known as a fluke gas desulfurization system is one manner in which S dioxide could be reduced. This system is known to be really effectual as mentioned by the Environmental Investigation Agency in 1994 that the scrubber system or the flue gas desulfurization system is known to hold an efficiency rate of 85 % to 95 % . When taking a scrubber, companies have a figure of different scrubbers to take from whether it is a dry scrubber which produces a dry by merchandise or a wet scrubber which on the other manus produces a wet merchandise. Another manner in which engineering can be used to cut down S dioxide is by either fuel shift, intermixing or co-firing. Fuel shift is comparatively simple as you merely exchange to another coal that does non breathe S dioxide, blending is when you blend two different types of coal and co-firing is merely utilizing a coal and a fuel and so these two are blended together. It sounds easy when we say that we will merely exchange to a different coal or we will merely intermix two coals that we can happen but the existent issue and job prevarications in taking which coal, natural gas or fuel best suits your works and besides will follow with the demands set by the EPA. It is of import that when you decide to exchange to a another fuel, you use a coal that has a lower S content as non merely will it be better for the environment but it will besides assist you cut down the sum of S in the atmosphere therefore following the emanation cap allocated to you. When blend two types of coal it s of import that you blend high S and a low S coal. This is of import as it becomes easier for the workss to set to a smaller alteration that happens by intermixing two coals instead than fuel shift. Co-firing is besides a method that can be used but is non recommended as it is deemed really expensive.AllowancesAllowance is a method that was really popular during the first st age. As mentioned in the statistics above, we see that the figure of allowances allocated in Phase 1 that lasted from 1995 to 1999 were much higher than expected as EPA wanted many houses to fall in this plan. The fact that many workss were over allocated allowances meant that there was no trading that took topographic point between houses selling allowances to each other as each works had adequate allowance allotted to them. These banked allowances were used in ulterior old ages by workss and at the same clip they were following with the Acid Rain plan.RetirementsRetirement is when a works shuts down and can non be used any more. The workss that tend to utilize this method are still allocated allowances until the Acid Rain plan is integral. These allowances are non used by these workss but are sold back into the market at a monetary value whereby these workss make a net income. Ohio based Acme is an illustration of a works that has retired but is still having allowances that are so ld into the market.Previously installed ControlsSome workss already have an emanation rate that is lower than the others because of equipment or machinery they might hold installed in the yesteryear which reduces the degree of sulfur dioxide emitted into the ambiance. Installing new equipment or controls that cut down the degree of sulfur dioxide in the environment is another manner to follow with the regulations and ordinances set out in the Acid Rain plan by the EPA.DecisionThe Acid Rain plan has a few jobs since its debut but it has besides led to the lessening in S dioxide emanations in the environment. The job with Phase 1 was the complete allotment of allowances. The chief ground behind this was to promote houses to fall in the plan, which had been achieved by the beginning of Phase 2. The banked allowances that could be carried down to the following twelvemonth were an added inducement for companies. By the beginning of 2003, these banked allowances had about been exhausted a nd companies adapted by put ining new engineering and trading emanations. The Acid Rain plan gave companies the pick of taking the option that is cheapest for them, whether it is emissions trading or upgrading to the right engineering. Since its origin in 1970 up to the twelvemonth 2000, this resulted in cost nest eggs of $ 780 million when compared to a method of direct control in which the authorities would each person works precisely how much to cut down and how to make it. Additionally, sulfur dioxide emanations reduced by 4,531,328 dozenss. Harmonizing to the latest information, S dioxide emanations were 8 million dozenss lower in 2010 compared to the degrees they would hold been at if the plan had ne'er been implemented. In add-on $ 122 billion have been saved in footings of lower wellness costs and decreased use of scare resources. All this shows that the U.S Acid Rain plan has been a resonant success. As mentioned above, we see that the execution of the Acid Rain plan by the United States was an enterprise taken by the US in order to cut down the atmospheric degrees of S dioxide in the environment. This plan was a immense success as the end of cut downing sulfur dioxide in the ambiance was achieved. Other states should see this as an chance to follow into the footfalls of the United States. Environmental jeopardies such as acerb rain, air pollution and deforestation have been destructing our environment and it is clip that we do something about it. The Kyoto protocol by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change ( UNFCCC ) has been really effectual in contending planetary heating and cut downing the degree of nursery gases. The UNFCCC is an international environmental pact and the consequence of acid rain should be brought up at the conference that take topographic point. Acid rain is an environmental jeopardy which should be taken into consideration and be reduced otherwise it can hold inauspicious effects in the close hereafter non merely on marine life but every bit good as human life.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Japanese And Japanese Pop Culture - 874 Words
Japan has always been one of my favorite places mostly because of their culture. Japanese language has always been an interest of mine, and is home of my favorite genre Anime. They also created my favorite game which is Pokà ©mon which is another 20 page paper itself. Japanese pop culture lifestyle is very interesting because they always move with the trends of the world and they freely express themselves to what they believe in. Japanese are not like the boring Chinese people who keep to themselves and want to be known as a third world country but I’m not going to continue to bad mouth the Chinese people because the hold their traditions sacred and really do not care for the pop culture lifestyle like Japanese people or Japan. Even though Japan was not on our side during WWII and China was on our side during this time. In all honesty, I cannot judge their lifestyles because for one that is their lifestyle and two because it is not broke so it does not need any fixing (to the m). Now back to my reasons for liking Japan, over China, which is easily seen, â€Å"No Shade†. China is just tries to shut out the rest of the world Japan had done that in the 17th century but changed not long after. I like china because they have a vast history but that’s about all I like about them. Japan also has a rich and vast history that I love and they are not secluded like China â€Å"No Shade†. Japanese people openly accepts change and they move forward sure they keep their tradition that are sacred toShow MoreRelatedJapanese Popular Rock Music And Japanese Culture1315 Words  | 6 PagesJapanese Popular Rock Music Japanese popular music and Japanese popular culture is heavily influenced by Western culture through similar characteristics such as instruments, rhythm, style, and language. When listening to J-pop songs, most people tend to think that they might have heard these songs before despite ever listening to those songs. 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